Designed to move toolbox

Designed To Move is the global physical activity movement activating and uniting the world in combat against the extremely dangerous epidemic of physical inactivity. This epidemic is rendering today’s 10 year olds as the first generation to have a life expectancy shorter than that of their parents. Data collected by the World Health Organisation indicates that no country has less than 70% of children who are inactive, and the world average is an astounding 84% of inactive kids. Over 5.3 million deaths each year are attributed to physical inactivity. This is more than from smoking. The economic impact of physical inactivity is crippling economies around the world, and the human impact and loss of potential is simply unacceptable.

In 2013 TAFISA formally adopted Designed To Move as its primary physical activity platform, and is currently a leading global Designed To Move Champion. Designed To Move is founded on evidence and is open to all those wanting to take a stand against physical inactivity and bring movement back to the everyday lives of their people. To help TAFISA members and others around the world act on the Designed To Move agenda, TAFISA developed the TAFISA “How To ‘Designed To Move’ Toolbox – a five step programme to becoming an active part of this global movement and creating their own local movements.


Designed to Move


The TAFISA How To Designed To Move Toolbox is a practical, useful resource we encourage all to take advantage of.

You can view the Toolbox via the following links, or contact the TAFISA office for a hard copy.


  • Step 1 – Understand Your Situation, Understand Designed To Move
  • Step 2 – Be a Role Model: Align with DTM
  • Step 3 – Build a Network: No One Can Fix This Alone
  • Step 4 – Spread the Message
  • Step 5 – Celebrate Your Success


As well as the 5 Steps to Success, the TAFISA How To Designed To Move Toolbox includes physical inactivity data from around the world, and references to many additional resources. The Toolbox is user-friendly with many ‘tips, tricks and facts’ highlighted for easy reading in the margins, and currently includes 10 factsheets highlighting key Designed To Move information and providing short, sharp resources for you to refer to and share with others.


Designed to MoveDesigned to Move


We are keen to know what you think about Designed To Move, and the Toolbox. Please complete the feedback form found on page 10 of the Factsheets and return it to the TAFISA office at any time. Thank you!